Monday, 30 May 2011

Tyāga or Sannyāsa

·         Arjuna - "I wish to know the truth about Sannyāsa and Tyāga distinctly."
·         The great thinkers (kavayah) know that Sannyāsam is the renunciation of all Karma that are based on desires.
·         The vicakșaņāh (wise) call Tyāga as the renunciation of all Results of Karma.
·         Thus one group of great thinkers say Karma is evil and must be given up. While others say Yajña, Dāna, Tapah karma must never be given up.
·         Hear from Me about Tyāga. Tyāga has been declared to be of three kinds.
·         Acts of Yajña, Dāna and Tapah are never to be given up. They must be performed. They certainly purify even the wise thinkers.
·         But all these activities should be performed renouncing attachments and also results. They should be performed as kartavyā (a matter of duty). That is definitely My best opinion.
·         Sannyāsa of prescribed Karma is never deserved. (Such) parityāgah (renunciation) caused by their illusion, is declared as Tāmasah.
·         Giving up karma
·         because it will cause sorrow, or
·         fearing that it will bring sufferings to the body.
·         He after doing (such) Rājasam tyāga, never gains the results of Tyāga.
·         A niyatam (prescribed) Karma is done simply because it has to be done. Giving up all attachments as well as results (associated with it), such Tyāga is sāttvikah in my opinion.
·         Neither hates akuśala (inauspicious) karma nor gets attached to kuśala (auspicious) karma, the Tyāgi absorbed in Sattva, is intelligent, having cut off all doubts.
·         It is indeed impossible for one possessing a body to give up all Karma. But anyone who renounces the results of Karma is known as Tyāgi.
·         For those who are Atyāgi, threefold results of Karma
·         anistam (undesirable, disagreeable)
·         istam    (desirable, agreeable)
·         miśram (combination or mixed)
·         comes into being, after their death.
·         But never for Sannyāsi.
·         Learn from Me, as per Sānkhya conclusions (kŗtānte), these five kārana (causes) are described for the accomplishment of all Karma.
·         Adhișţhānam,                     (place of action, body)
·         Kartā,                                 (doer)
·         various kinds of Karana,      (instruments)
·         various and separate Ceșţāh (efforts)
·         Daivam
·         A person begins karma with his
·         body,
·         speech and
·         mind
·         Whether (the karma is) Nyāyya (right) or the opposite (Anyāyya - wrong), all these (above) five are its causes.
·         Therefore one who (considers) ātmānam (his Self) only as the kartā, sees without intelligence, he, durmatih (is a evil-minded) never sees (the truth).
·         One whose intelligence is never attached and whose nature never considers his-Self to be the doer (nahankrto bhāvo), even while killing in this loka, he neither (actually) kills, nor gets tied up.
·         Threefold codanā (stimulators) of Karma are
·         jñānam        (knowledge)
·         jñeyam        (the knowable)
·         parijñātā      (the knower)
·         Threefold sangraha (accumulation/constituents) of Karma are
·         karaņam
·         karma
·         kartā
·         Threefold divisions of Guņa are said
·         jñāna
·         karma
·         kartā
·         Hear one by one Guņa, as they are and also all of them.