Monday, 30 May 2011

Kāma-Krodha forces one to do sinful acts

Arjuna asked “Then by what is one impelled to sinful acts, even unwillingly, as if engaged by force?
·         This Kāma (desire), this Krodha (wrath) borne of Rajah Guņa (mode of passion) is all devouring and greatly sinful. Know this as your greatest enemy.
·         As fire is covered by smoke, as a mirror is covered by dust, or as the embryo is covered by the womb, similarly by that (Kāma/Krodha), this (ātmā) is covered.
·         Jñāna is covered by this (Kāma/Krodha). The eternal enemy of Jñāni, in the form of Kāma, which is an insatiable fire.
·         The
·         senses (indriyāni),
·         mind (manah) and
·         intelligence (buddhih)
·         are said to be the residing places of Kāma.
·         By all these, (Kāma) bewilders and envelops Jñāna of the dehinam (embodied ātmā).
·         Therefore from the beginning itself, you curb the sinful Kāma by regulating the senses. Certainly this is the destroyer of Jñāna and Vijñāna.
·         The indriyāni (senses) are said to be superior (to the gross body),
·         the manah is superior to the senses,
·         the buddhi is still superior to the manah,
·         and HE (the Self - ātmānah) is even superior to the buddhi.
·         Thus
·         knowing (which is) superior to buddhi,
·         establishing in the ātmānam (the Self) through the ātmanā (the mind),
·         win over the formidable enemy in the form of Kāma.