Monday, 30 May 2011

Classification of Tapah based on Guņa

·         Worshipping
·         deva
·         dvija
·         guru
·         Prajñā
·         Cleanliness
·         brahmacaryam (celibacy)
·         Non-violence
·         are said to be Tapah pertaining to the body.

·         Un-agitating words,
·         truthfulness,
·         loving,
·         beneficial,
·         practicing by study,
·         are said to be the Tapah of speech.

·         manah-prasādah      (mental-satisfaction),
·         saumyatvam                       (placid),
·         maunam                  (tranquility),
·         ātma-vinigrahah       (self-control) and
·         bhava-samśuddhi    (purification of one's nature),
·         are said to be the Tapah of the mind

·         This threefold Tapah (of Body, Speech and Mind), performed with supreme faith, by people who do not desire results, associated (with Supreme - Yogi) is called Sāttvikah.

·         For the sake of
·         sat-kāra(respect or better-treatment),
·         honor and
·         worship,
·         the Tapah performed with dambha (pride) is said to be Rājasam, is subject to change and temporary.

·         Foolish attempt of Tapah which is performed
·         by giving pain to one’s own mind/self (ātmanaḥ) or,
·         intended to cause harm to others (utsādana)
·         is said to be Tāmasam.