· The living creatures in this jiva-loka are certainly My eternal fragmental parts. Situated inside Prakrti, the mind along with the six senses attracts them.
· The body which Isvara (Lord of the Body) acquires, also discards, just as the wind blows away, taking all the fragrances from their sources.
· He being situated in the sense of hearing, sense of sight, sense of touch, sense of taste, sense of smell and mind, enjoys sense-objects.
· The foolish people endowed with Guņa can neither see (the Isvara of the body) quitting the body nor enjoying situated in the body. Those who have the eyes of Jñāna can see.
· The endeavoring Yogis, who are situated in ātmani (the Self) can also see this. Although those without ātmānah (the Self), without consciousness, do not see this.
· The shine which comes from Āditya (Sun) that illuminates the entire world, and the same of Candra (moon), and of Agni (fire), know that, that shine is from Me.
· Entering the gam (planet), I sustain the living beings, by My energy.
· Also I nourish all the medicine becoming soma consisting of juice.
· I become the fire situated in the bodies of all the living beings. Balancing prāna and apāna, I digest the four kinds of food. (possibly refers to those that are swallowed, that are chewed, that are licked up, that some are sucked)
· Also, I am seated in the heart of all.
· From Me comes smŗti (memory), jñāna and apohanam (may mean forgetfulness, to be confirmed).
· Also by the Veda, certainly I can be known.
· I am the creator of Vedānta, and I am the knower of the Veda.
· There are certainly two kinds of Puruṣaḥ in the loka - the perishable and the imperishable.
· All living beings are perishable, while the embodied (ātman) is said to be imperishable.
· But another best Puruṣaḥ, called as Paramātmā, who is the imperishable Isvara of the three loka pervades and sustains it.
· Because to the perishable, I am the imperishable, the transcendental and the best. Hence I am celebrated as the Purușottama in Veda and in loka.
· One who knows Me as the Purușottama without doubting, is the knower of everything. He worships Me with all his feelings.
· Thus the most confidential śāstra is revealed by Me. Understanding this, one becomes intelligent and also performs his duty (kŗta-kŗtyah – another meaning says - accomplishes the object of his life)