Monday, 30 May 2011

Classification of Sukha based on Guņa

·         Now hear from me, the three kinds of Sukham (Joy, happiness),
·         in which one enjoys by practice,
·         also attains the end of duhkha.
·         That which
·         in the beginning is like vişam (poison) but at the end is like amŗta,
·         and which is ātma-buddhi-prāsada-jam (borne by the blessings of one's own Self intelligence)
·         is said to be Sāttvika Sukham.
·         That Sukham
·         which is derived from the combination of sense and sense-objects,
·         which appears like amŗta in the beginning and vişam at the end.
·         is Rājasam Sukham.
·         That Sukha
·         which deludes the ātmanaḥ (mind) in the beginning and also in the end,
·         produced of
-       nidrā,
-       ālasya,
-       pramāda
·         is said to be Tāmasah Sukham.