· All this I described to you, in terms of Sānkhya, but hear this in terms of Buddhi Yoga, by being buddhi-yukta, you will be released from the bondage of karma.
· There is no loss in this effort/attempt/endeavour (associating with buddhi), there exists no diminution. Even a little of this dharma, releases (you) from great fear.
· The buddhi of those who are firmly determined in this (Buddhi Yoga) have only one (path/aim). The buddhi of those who are not determined are multi-branched and unending.
· All these flowery words are said by men with little knowledge, who are engaged in following Veda.
· Thus they say that there is nothing else. (other than svarga)
· The supreme desire of their ātmānah (Self) is to achieve svarga.
· They perform various specific activities giving (them) janma and karma results.
· And they move towards bhoga (sense enjoyment) and aiśvarya (opulence).
· For those
· who are attached to bhoga (enjoyment) and aiśvarya (opulence),
· whose ceta (consciousness) in deluded by such things,
· They can never procure Buddhi of firm determination (vyavasāya-atmikā) in Samādhi (meditative state).
· The three guņa are the subject matter of Veda. You should rise above these three modes of guņa and be transcendental to all of them.
· Be free from all dualities and always remain situated in sattva (reality or God), absolutely unconcerned about the fulfilment of desires and the preservation of what has been already attained. Be established in the self (ātmavān).
· One who knows the purpose of a well, knows the purpose of all the oceans (or, great water reservoirs), similarly the purpose behind all Veda is known to a person who has Jñāna of Brahma (i.e a brāhmana).
· Certainly you have a right to perform your Karma, but (you) never (have any rights) in its results. Never become the cause of your karma-phala. Never be attached to akarma..
· Perform your karma remaining steadfast in yoga.
· Abandoning attachments, consider success and failure as same. This evenness of mind is called Yoga.
· Discard abominable activities using Buddhi Yoga. In such buddhi fully give up all your desires.
· Those who desire the fruits of their actions are misers.
· Buddhi-Yukto (one associated with Buddhi Yoga) rids himself of both good and bad actions even in this life. Therefore engage in yoga.
· Yoga is the art/technique (Kauśalam) in all Karma.
· The person who is Buddhi-Yuktāh renounces the results of his Karma and frees himself from the bondage of birth and attains a state that is beyond all miseries.
· When your Buddhi has passed out of the dense forest of illusion at that time you will become indifferent to all that is to be heard and all that is already heard (referring to sense perceptions).
· When your Buddhi remains unmoved and is not influenced upon hearing conflicting statements of śruti (Vedas) and remains transcendental and unflinching. At that time you will achieve Yoga.